Lucky you getting older in Europe

„Lucky you getting older in Europe“ er verkefni 6 Evrópulanda. Finnland, Belgía, Spánn, Tékkland, Lettland og Ísland eru þátttakendur. Fyrir hönd Íslands er Sjúkrahúsið á Akureyri (SAk) en María Sissonen frá Jyväskylä Educational Consortium kynnir verkefnið.

The main goal of this project is to develop a European study program for social and health care education providers and students to improve their basic knowledge, skills and competence in supporting aging population’s empowerment in order to lead healthy and active life. The Lucky you project is based on the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment’s (CGA) five items. Those items form the scientific basis of the Study Program to be designed.

In the long run, increasing the knowledge and competencies on empowering elderly people among social and health care education providers and students will increase healthy and active years to all European aging people.

The way to achieve this goal in this project is to closely cooperate and intensively work together with the project partners. Five meetings around the five CGA items (Social, Functionality, Cognition, Depression and Nutrition Field) will be held in 24 months’ period of time in addition to the Kick-off and Final Meetings. The participating countries each take care of one of the items. The items are selected for the partner countries according to their previous knowledge, research work and practical experience respectively. Practical teaching material and methods for the Study Program will be developed, too.

This project is funded by Erasmus + KA2 programme of the European Union, further info:

Maria Sissonen MSc specializes in nursing sciences and nursing administration. She has hands-on experience of work as a nurse in hospital and emergency care. Qualified to teach registered and practical nurses, she has over 18 years’ experience of training young students and coaching adults in nursing in Central Finland.

Maria has experience leading, managing and contributing to European development projects (including focus on reducing student dropout, producing a Finnish-English-Portuguese bilingual glossary, and facilitating student mobility). This has included cooperation and networking with working life and educational partners in multiple countries.

She now manages apprenticeship training processes for practical nurses, constructs curricular time-tables, and teaches a range of core courses including medical nursing and emergency care. She enjoys coaching students on team-building, linking skills and knowledge development directly to working life, and working through competence-based learning.