Plans for a Mission to M.A.R.S., on Earth

Plans for a Mission to M.A.R.S., on Earth - Verður hægt að bjóða upp á dvöl á M.A.R.S., á Íslandi? Málþing auðlindadeilar HA.

Jonathan er upphafsmaður og forstjóri UpCycl systems sem vinnur að því að þróa fullkomlega sjálfbært samfélag. Hvernig tengist það áætlun manna um að nema land á Mars? Þetta mun Jonathan útskýra í fyrirlestri sínum. Sjá nánar í enska texta.

After a diverse research and academic career in pelagic ecology, marine microbiology, extremophile physionogy, nanotechnology, and most recently life-support systems and sustainability at NASA, he started a company called UpCycle Systems (UCS) that focuses on food, water, and energy security. The goal of UCS is to increase food production by co-location and integrating livestock farming, aquaculture, and algae cultivation, while conserving water with treatment and reuse, and extracting energy from wastes. The success of integrating these activities into our so-called „UCS symbiosis,“ depends on a proprietary data management system we are developing called „augmented intelligence,“ which optimizes productivity and profitability by increasing efficiency and utilizing wastes and byproducts. UCS conserves water and energy, while minimizing environmental impact.

One of the goals is to use geothermal greenhouses to simulate the temperatures and light conditions in countries around the world and create a Global UCS Center in Iceland. We are planning a „Mission to M.A.R.S. on Earth,“ i.e. a mission to Mobilize All Resources for Sustainability on Earth.

Jonathan is the Founding Director of UPCycle Systems (UCS) and is a Distinguished Professor at Zhijiang College (Zhejiang University of Science & Technology) as well as a fellow at the California Academy of Science. He is also a former NASA Scientist of their Exobiology Branch.