The Euro – why it failed

Þriðjudaginn 13. mars kl. 12.00-12.50 mun dr. Jesper Jespersen fjalla um spurninguna „hvers vegna evran brást“ og eiga samtal við áheyrendur um efnið. Erindið er flutt á ensku.

The common European currency was introduced in 1999. It was considered as an important stepping stone to enforce the European integration process through higher economic growth and increased prosperity for the populations within the euro-zone. Ten years later the financial crisis and the ensuing divergences of the development of the participant countries unveiled a number of inherent inconsistencies, also with regard to the economic arguments employed to support the introduction of the euro and to the economic policies enforced on Southern Europe. In short, the euro has failed to delivered the promised goods. What is the recommended way forward?

Dr. Jesper Jespersen hefur starfað við Álaborgarháskóla frá 2009. Hann hefur doktorspróf í tveimur greinum, alþjóðlegri hagfræði frá evrópska háskólanum í Flórens (1979) og annað doktorspróf í vísindalegri stjórnsýslu frá háskólanum í Hróarskeldu (2007).

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