Towards a “labour-centred” approach to growth models


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Adam Fishwick, rannsóknarstjóri og gestaprófessor við Félagsvísindadeild mun flytja erindið:

Towards a “labour-centred” approach to growth models

This lecture introduces an ongoing research project in the field of comparative political economy, which aims to understand the effects of trade union participation in the politics of growth model change in Argentina. The growth model approach in comparative political economy has sought to explain the different ways in which economies grow, how this growth is shaped by different political coalitions and their growth strategies, and the relative instability and change of growth models over time. Our contribution aims to show not only how trade unions can influence adoption of more progressive, wage-led growth models, but also how participation can limit and weaken trade union capacity to influence such change. By bringing together labour sociology into the field comparative political economy, our aim is to develop a “labour-centred” lens on this question to explain the possibility and limits of trade union influence over potentially progressive changes in the outcomes of economic growth.

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