Written by Profs. Giorgio Baruchello (University of Akureyri) and Ársæll M. Arnarsson (University of Iceland), the third volume is organised in two parts: the former takes stock of their previous investigations of the history of the concepts of 'humour' and 'cruelty' in Western culture (Volume 1) as well as of the mutual support that humour and cruelty can give to each other (Volume 2); the latter addresses the ways in which humour and cruelty can be at odds with each other, i.e., how cruelty can be used to subdue humour and, in turn, humour can be used to fight against cruelty.
The complete multi-volume series is as follows:
Please note that each volume is a self-standing monograph that can be read independently of the other two.
A special panel on Volume 1 was held on 15 January 2024 in conjunction with the 120th meeting of the American Philosophical Association - Eastern Division. The "Authors Meet Critics" session took place at the Sheraton Hotel, Times Square, New York, and was chaired by Prof. Lydia Amir (Tufts University), founding president of the International Association for the Philosophy of Humor, a recent interviewee of The New Yorker, and the editor of the Philosophy of Humor Yearbook as well as the Israeli Journal of Humor Research.