Immigration Experience and Future Expectation of Arab Muslim Immigrant Women in Iceland

This issue of NoMe contains 3 peer-reviewed articles, 16 peer-reviewed book reviews and 1 additional peer-reviewed contribution.
Immigration Experience and Future Expectation of Arab Muslim Immigrant Women in Iceland


The peer-reviewed articles are as follows:

Arab Muslim Immigrant Women in Iceland: Immigration Experience and Future Expectation”, by Fayrouz Nouh, Andrea Hjálmsdóttir and Marcus Meckl, who discusse their qualitative study of the experiences of Arab immigrant women in today’s Iceland and how these women have faced the challenges of integration within Icelandic society.

Studying Small States: The Role of Security and Strategy as Concepts”, by Jakob Þór Kristjánsson, who discusses the limited power of small states in international relations and argues that keen research can help clarify small states’ policies in light of their inherent vulnerabilities.

 “Four Perspectives on Dilemmas in Management Analysis in Greenland”, by Poul Bitsch Olesn and Jacob Dahl Rendtorff, who discuss important methodological questions related to how socio-scientific analyses have been conducted with regard to Greenlandic management and Greenlandic managers, especially as concerns creating productive communication with local public institutions.


Special issue 16(4)/2021-22 of Nordicum-Mediterraneum 

A new special issue of Nordicum-Mediterraneum was published in December 2021 and January 2022, coordinated and edited by Sara Fusco (University of Lapland). The two-part special issue comprises all the conference papers (in Italian and English language) that were presented at the webinar on Arctic studies organized by the University of Calabria's Permanent Seminar of International Studies (SSIP) in March 2021:  

"Il popolo Indigeno dei Sámi e la Conoscenza Ecologica Tradizionale: Difficoltà e lezioni da imparare nel XXI secolo” by Corinna Casi (University of Helsinki)

Sustainable Blue Arctic (Seal) Hunting” by Federica Scarpa (IACN)

Co-creazione della ricerca e del sapere nel sistema dell'ecologia integrale” by Margerita Paola Poto (University of Tromso) and Arianna Porrone, (University of Macerata) 

Colonizzazione, decolonizzazione incompleta e la creazione dei popoli indigeni. I fondamenti dei loro diritti ‘speciali’” by Rachael Lorna Johnstone (University of Akureyri and University of Greenland) 

Participation, Sharing, and Cooperation: The rights of indigenous people over natural resources in the Arctic” by Sara Fusco (University of Lapland). 

An introduction to the special issue was kindly penned by Prof. Massimo Fragola (University of Calabria).