Endurmat á hlutverki háskólastigsins - Greining á þriðja hlutverki háskóla á Íslandi

Opin málstofa í Viðskiptadeild

Öll velkomin á Opna málstofu í Viðskiptadeild þar sem Verena Karlsdóttir, aðjúnkt mun flytja fyrirlestur úr doktorsverkefni sínu. 

Málstofan fer fram á ensku í stofu M102 og í streymi.

This study revolves around Third Mission (TM) activities in Iceland and the factors that influence the development of such activities within a small economy. In the context of higher education institutions, TM can be seen as a socio-economic mission of a university, which comes after the first mission of teaching and the second mission of research.

The objective of the study is to provide recommendations for universities on how to achieve the TM best practices that will foster the more traditional missions within academia by analysing collaboration patterns and socio-economic engagement. The data derive from a literature review, semi-structured interviews, and a population survey.

Öll velkomin!